N.A.W. members Shawn Adams & Nana Biamah-Ofosu host a discussion with Tom Dyckhoff, Owen Hatherley, Leopold Lambert, Lesley Lokko & Rowan Moore as part of their Architecture Foundation takeover entitled ‘Depends on Your Perspective’ streaming throughout October 2020.
Architectural history and critique have until fairly recently relied on a Eurocentric approach and narrative. Palladio [or insert any other western white male architect] is a symbol of high culture in architecture; an architecture with a capital A. When we critique architecture and design, it is largely an examination of its formal qualities and aesthetic value. But what stories are left untold?
Join Shawn Adams, Nana Biamah-Ofosu and the panel of invited guests as we discuss the relationship between architectural journalism and power.
7pm, Thursday, 08 October 2020
Access Link
via Zoom
As part of the N.A.W. Takeover of the Architecture Foundation entitled ‘Depends on Your Perspective’ streaming throughout October 2020.